Core | 8“ x 6“ | ca. 2005
To the bottom | 7,25 x 5,75 | 1999
Morning sounds | (1 of 2) 9 x 5,75 | 2002
Unfathomable | 7,25 x 5,5 | 1999
Embedded world | 9 x 5,75 | 1992
Composition | 12 x 8,5 | 2015
In the making | 12,5 x 3,25 | 2003
Untitled | 12,5 x 3 | 2003
Core | 8“ x 6“ | ca. 2005
To the bottom | 7,25 x 5,75 | 1999
Morning sounds | (1 of 2) 9 x 5,75 | 2002
Unfathomable | 7,25 x 5,5 | 1999
Embedded world | 9 x 5,75 | 1992
Composition | 12 x 8,5 | 2015
In the making | 12,5 x 3,25 | 2003
Untitled | 12,5 x 3 | 2003

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